19 thoughts on “CUT OFF December 31 at 6.00 am

  1. Paeijwei

    Hi Impreint!

    I nominate you for the Blogger Recognition Award. I’ve seen very thought-provoking images in your site and I hope you share more in the future!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. mianiez

    If it’s being an artist….. you have applied all the principles and elements of visual arts to explain your cause and the real need for help, which I think it’s not limited to a meal in an expensive restaurant… it’s rather bigger than that… tell me if I did a misconception….

    Liked by 4 people

    1. carolineturriff

      This project is so moving it almost makes me cry. The optimism in that sign. Also it reminds me of my uncle, who was schizophrenic, not that I am implying you have mental health problems. He was very ill and believed he “owned” Knightsbridge, an expensive part of London. The police would call us all the time to say he’d been arrested after he’d eaten at fancy restaurants there, amazed when they brought the bill as he thought he owned the place. He spent a night in Brixton prison, which he said was “the best hotel I’ve ever stayed in.” He had standards even in his delusions. Keep going with your project.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. biblioteca62

    ¡Hola! Quería avisarte que te he nominado para el premio Versatile2, un premio virtual que circula en la web. Recomendé tu blog en mi sitio porque es uno de mis favoritos. Pásate “por casa”, si deseas seguir con el juego (en realidad es muy sencillo). Este premio me ha parecido un lindo detalle, un reconocimiento a la creatividad y el tiempo que los blogueros dedicamos a nuestro hobby. Y por supuesto, es una oportunidad para conocer otros blogs y hacer nuevos amigos. ¡Felicitaciones!
    Un abrazo. Sara

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Pan

    You amaze me with the attention to every detail when you take a picture.. The subtle but poignant msg in the fingernails.. Not so dirty as to draw complete attention to just them.. But just enough real life portrayal that draws attention to the whole msg..

    Liked by 7 people


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